University of California, Irvine, EH&S officer Dave Melitz applies whipped cream to a student's goggles for the student to rinse off in an eyewash station as part of inorganic chemistry safety training in 2011. Credit: UCI
Ruth Bowers of the blog "Understanding Chemistry Through Cars" and Alfred Universityhas a few goggle reviews on the blog and is looking for more:
So, here's the deal. I'm out of goggles to review! We'd love to hear from you about your favorite (or despised) goggles that meet the ANSI Z89+ standard. Let us know what works and what doesn't. Share a photo of your goggles in action. If you'd like to submit a full review, contact us here (we'll contact you by email to get a photo and more info). If you'd just like to give a short comment, tweet us a photo of your goggles.
She has these questions in particular:
- Does the user have a large or small face? Do they wear glasses?
- What is typical goggle use? How long are they worn? What is the climate control in the lab space?
- Are the goggles comfortable? Do they fit well? Do they fog? Do typical anti-fog measures work?