The ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHD) has been hosting weekly virtual happy hours aimed at encouraging ideas driven by the pandemic and related to business/lab/school operations. We invite someone to lead a discussion on planning for disasters – hurricane, severe weather, flood, earthquake, wildfire … amid the current medical crisis.
For example, wildfire fighting in the West uses large tent cities to house and care for the fire crews. This will not work while maintaining physical distancing. How do we prepare? Similarly, how do we prepare for a hurricane requiring housing of evacuees?
Everyone is welcome to join these lively sessions. PM me to be added to the list. They are usually Friday afternoon around 15:00 PDT.
We need someone to lead this discussion. Think up 10 open ended questions to ask a lively group of ACS members. That is all it will take.
Let me know.
Thank you – stay healthy and stay safe.
Safety is the practice of fixed and unbendable principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. Paraphrase of Everett Dirksen.
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ACSafety has a new address:
PO Box 152329
011(619) 990-4908 (phone, 24/7)
We no longer support FAX.
Please contact me before sending any packages or courier delivery. The address for those items is:
5340 Caminito Cachorro
San Diego CA 92105
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