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From: RAMPUR VISWANATH <000005c25051b089-dmarc-request**At_Symbol_Here**LISTS.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Bumping Elbows
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 05:15:19 +0000
Reply-To: RAMPUR VISWANATH <r.viswanath**At_Symbol_Here**YAHOO.COM>
Message-ID: 781130533.3336977.1584249319880**At_Symbol_Here**mail.yahoo.com
In-Reply-To <99010127.5833.1584230390452**At_Symbol_Here**wamui-napoleon.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
Namaste is the most common way of Greeting people in India! This is the age old practice to avoid direct contact with others that minimizes the spread of virus or bacteria from person to person.
Namaste has a special meaning (in addition to Greetings!). It is one way of expressing your respect for others. It also means that I bow myself to the divinity in you or God in you! This is to recognize that God is everywhere, in you, in me and in everyone.
I hope this helps, Rampur
Rampur Viswanath, Ph.D., REM, CHMM
US Fulbright Senior Scholar (2015-2016)
Founder & President, ACHMM-India Chapter, Bangalore, India
Chair, American Chemical Society's Southern Nevada Chapter, Las Vegas, United States
Career Consultant, American Chemical Society, Washington, District of Columbia, United States
General Chair, American Chemical Society's 2022 Western Regional Conference, Las Vegas, United States
International Ambassador-Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals, Rockville, Maryland, United States
Vice-Chair, Hazardous Materials Society, Rockville, Maryland, United Staes
Rotary District Governor (2011-2012)-D5080 (parts of Washington, Idaho and British Columbia)
Member-Rotary Club of Las Vegas (D5300), Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
On Saturday, March 14, 2020, 05:20:07 PM PDT, lhlatimer**At_Symbol_Here**MINDSPRING.COM <lhlatimer**At_Symbol_Here**mindspring.com> wrote:
The namaste recognition with palms together and a nod is also a pleasing way, rather older than Spock's but with the same meaning.
Peace and long life
-----Original Message-----
From: Ernest Lippert
Sent: Mar 14, 2020 4:24 PM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Bumping Elbows
My grandson said "Spock's salute is The One True Greeting". My daughter made the following observation:
I just want to point out that bumping elbows is a really bad idea. We teach kids, and do ourselves, to cough and sneeze into our forearm/crook of our elbow. That makes that part of the body something I don't want to get anywhere close to! I recommend the "Wuhan handshake" where you touch feet - or just be content with a gentlemanly nod and smile. Social distancing means no shaking hands, or bumping elbows, or even touching feet! But smiles can travel across that distance!
Ernest Lippert
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