Celebrating Nano Day 2019
The American Chemical Society is teaming up with the
National Nanotechnology Coordination Office to celebrate National Nanotechnology (Nano) Day on Wednesday, October 9. This annual initiative is composed of a series of community-led events and activities to raise awareness of and promote the prominent role
nanoscience plays in our daily lives and its potential applications in the future.
Check out the resources ACS has collected to celebrate and learn more about the big impact of this tiny science!
SCI Scholars Summer Internship program opens soon
Scholars Program will start accepting applications for
internship positions on October 1, 2019. Students can learn more about this prestigious program by seeing how the
interns spent their summers. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents, chemistry or chemical engineering majors, and have at least a 3.5 GPA. The application deadline
is November 30, 2019. For more information, visit www.acs.org/sci.
AACT webinar: College-level labs that can be done in 50 minutes or less
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 7:00 pm ET
free webinar highlights five meaningful labs that take less than 50 minutes each. These labs will cover optics, kinetics, hydrolysis, entropy, Ka and Ksp, and are appropriate for AP/IB classes and general chemistry classes at a college
or university. Register for this free webinar at: http://bit.ly/2ZdRwfv
Career Kick-Starter: Career Development Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
Chemistry departments are encouraged to host a Career Kick-Starter workshop for their graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. The two-day workshop is designed to provide
your students with the knowledge and tools they need to be prepared for their careers.
Learn how you can host a workshop today.
Foster diversity in the chemical enterprise - partner with the ACS Bridge Program
In an era of phenomenal discoveries, our institutions are faced with the challenge of producing a generation of diverse scientific leaders who can tackle 21st century
Have your institution become an ACS Bridge site and ACS will help devise a program at your institution that prepares students to apply and be accepted into doctoral programs.
Learn more today.
ACS Periodic Table Cupcake Mix available for a limited time
A special release for the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT),
ACS Periodic Table Cupcake Mix is only available through November 2019! Each box makes 24 chocolate cupcakes and includes an exclusive link fun puzzles and games. Celebrate IYPT with one box for you or five boxes to make a periodic table of cupcakes.

Lab Life: Waste Disposal
How you dispose of chemicals has an impact that extends beyond the laboratory.
this helpful infographic from the latest issue of
Magazine and be smart about your chemical waste practices with these tips!