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From: DCHAS Membership Chair <membership**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] EPA RCRA News: Hazardous Waste Data Available, Comment Period Open for Safe Management of Recalled Airbags Interim Final Rule, Two Upcoming Webinars and More!
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 08:11:02 -0500
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: B98BFAE4-F90F-49AD-9CCF-7A453FCEE88A**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org
2017 Hazardous Waste Data is Now Available Online
EPA has posted the most recently reported hazardous waste data online. These data are submitted by certain generators and treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs) nationwide about their hazardous waste generation and management activities every other year. The data cover activities performed in 2017 and show that the generation of hazardous waste in the United States in 2017 was 33.6 million tons, an increase of about three million tons, or nine percent, from 2015 to 2017.
With an increase in generation comes an increase in the quantity of hazardous waste that was recycled in 2017. Approximately 1.2 million tons, a 50 percent increase from 2015, of hazardous wastes were recycled either by metal recovery, solvent recovery or some other type of recycling. The hazardous waste data can be accessed in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Info Web database here:
Interim Final Rule to Aid the Safe Management of Recalled Airbags Published in the Federal Register
EPA issued an interim final rule in response to the urgent public health issue posed by recalled Takata airbag inflators still installed in vehicles. With this rule, EPA is facilitating a more expedited removal of defective Takata airbag inflators from vehicles by dealerships, salvage yards and other locations for safe and environmentally sound disposal by exempting the collection of airbag waste from hazardous waste requirements so long as certain conditions are met.
This interim final rule has been published in the Federal Register and was effective on November 30, 2018. EPA is also seeking comment on this rule. Comments must be received on or before January 29, 2019.
To find out more, visit our rulemaking web page:
To access the interim final rule directly in the Federal Register, visit:
Two Upcoming U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Webinars
Title: Planning for Natural Disaster Debris on Tribal Lands
Date: December 13, 2018
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 PM ET
During this webinar, Rebecca Geyer and Melissa Kaps representing U.S. EPA will introduce disaster debris management and planning and share the latest tools and updated guidance documents. Shannon Judd and David Smith of the Fon du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa will share their experience in managing disaster debris from a serious flood event.
Click on the following link to register for this webinar:
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8106191652158424589 (If you have difficulty opening the link above, please try opening it in a different browser)
Title: The Disaster Debris Recovery Tool: Materials Management for Debris Planning and Emergency Response
Date: December 18, 2018
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 PM ET
U.S. EPA Region 5's Disaster Debris Recovery Tool (DDRT) promotes the proper recovery, recycling and disposal of disaster debris for emergency planners and responders at the federal, state, tribal and local levels. The scope of the tool can also reach beyond disasters to include green site remediation and materials management technical assistance.
This webinar will feature presenters from Region 5 and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. Region 5 will introduce the history, purpose and a provide a demonstration of the tool. DDRT users from Millie Lacs Band and Region 5 will explain their experience using the tool in both a disaster debris planning and response perspective.
Click on the following link to register for the Webinar:
Check out the DDRT here:
New Fact Sheets on Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) for Tribes
EPA works with federally recognized tribes by supporting the implementation of federal environmental laws, with a special emphasis on assisting tribes to administer their own environmental programs. These efforts help to promote EPA's federal trust responsibility, government-to-government relationships and EPA's 1984 Indian Policy. One new fact sheet, RCRA Information for Tribes, discusses information on waste management programs and resources for tribes.
Check it out here:
Another new fact sheet, Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) on Tribal Lands - A Life-Cycle Approach to Managing Materials, introduces tribal governments, communities and individuals to the concept of SMM, showcases Tribal projects that have applied SMM principles and practices successfully, and encourages tribes to consider this approach to their materials management work.
View the fact sheet here:
Learn more about SMM here:
Oil and Gas Memorandum of Understanding Signed
EPA entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the non-profit, multi-stakeholder, educational organization known as STRONGER. The name, STRONGER, is an acronym for State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations. "This MOU will provide more opportunities for EPA and STRONGER to work together to improve both environmental protections and economic outcomes," said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "By collaborating with STRONGER, we can enhance our enforcement and compliance efforts while ensuring America's historic energy production under President Trump continues.?
To find out more, check out the press release about this announcement here:
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