Hi all,
A colleague, Kerri Jansen, is working on a video about using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream in a restaurant-type setting. Do any of you have experience with safety standards for this, or can you point us to a possible source? We want to make sure we
do this well.
Some of the questions Kerri is looking to answer are:
Would safety guidelines for liquid nitrogen use in a restaurant differ from the standards set for lab use? If so, what differences would be taken into consideration?
What is the proper way to handle liquid nitrogen in a restaurant setting, from a safety standpoint? (Said differently, what can consumers look for to know the liquid nitrogen used to prepare their food is being handled safely?)
Thank you!
Jyllian Kemsley, Ph.D.
Executive Editor, policy and safety
Mobile: (+1) 925-519-6681
Skype: jyllian.kemsley
Twitter: **At_Symbol_Here**jkemsley
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