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From: Doug Walters <waltersdb**At_Symbol_Here**earthlink.net>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] 2017 CHAS Awards
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 20:34:31 -0500
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: A28F066A-105F-45B3-819C-E90619010C39**At_Symbol_Here**earthlink.net
In-Reply-To <80FB39AC-6E3F-4E9F-8DCD-3C195CEAA787**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org>
It is with great pleasure that the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety announces the award recipients for 2017.
The Howard Fawcett Award for outstanding contributions to the science, technology, education and communication of chemical health and safety
Monona Rossol, MS, MFA, Industrial Hygienist
President: Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety, Inc.
Safety Officer: Local USA829, IATSE
New York NY
Presented, in part, for her dedication and hard work in the Arts, Crafts and Theater Safety profession.
The Tillmanns-Skolnick Award for outstanding service to the Division
Robert H. Hill, PhD
Retired Acting Director, CDC Office of Health and Safety
Stone Mountain GA
Presented for his long and dedicated work on behalf of the Division
The SafetyStratus College and University Award (undergraduate)
Stanford University
Chemistry Department
and the Department of Environmental Health and Safety
Stanford CA
Presented for establishing, promoting and sustaining an outstanding undergraduate chemical safety program
The awards will be presented at the annual CHAS Safety Awards Symposium at the fall ACS meeting in Washington DC, August 20-24, 2017
Recipients and selected guests of their choosing will present papers at the symposium (date and time to be determined, usually the 1st Sunday afternoon, i.e., Aug. 20).
Congratulations to all the recipients!!
Douglas B. Walters, PhD, FACS
2017 CHAS Awards Chair
The following is a reminder regarding the awards:
The Award Symposium is usually held on Sunday afternoon preceeding the fall ACS meeting. This years fall meeting is in Washington DC on Aug. 20-24; hence, the Awards Symposium will be on Aug. 20.
The CHAS program Chair will notify you of the location for the Awards Symposium when that information becomes available.
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