This steel tank ruptured during the explosion, which severed a researcher's arm. Credit: Honolulu Fire Department
From the University of Hawaii regarding the March explosion that caused a postdoctoral researcher to lose one of her arms. UH retained the University of California Center for Laboratory Safety to investigate the incident, and that report was expected this week.
The independent investigation into the March 16, 2016 explosion in a University of Hawai=CA=BBi at M=C4=81noa laboratory is now expected to be complete in mid to late May. It was initially expected to finish by the end of April.
The University of California Center for Laboratory Safety, retained by UH to conduct the investigation, was unable to send materials involved in the explosion for testing until the Hawai=CA=BBi State Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH), the government agency investigating the accident, completed its review of the accident scene. HIOSH released the materials and scene to UH late last week.
In its preliminary investigation, the UC Center for Laboratory Safety, considered a national leader in laboratory safety, determined that the explosion was an isolated incident and not the result of a systemic problem.