We do not allow the use of cell phones or other personal electronics in our chemistry labs except in the case of emergency (we do not have emergency phones in our labs and are still fighting our administration on who is to pay for them once they are installed. If anyone has any recommendations for this, please let me know.). It is listed in our student safety agreement and we had to be careful on how it was worded because one of our upper division labs uses electronic notebooks and requires them to use their personal tablets or laptops. Our statement is below.
· Behavior that is deemed reckless or inappropriate for the lab will NOT be tolerated. Inappropriate behavior may include (but is not limited to) using cell phones or other personal electronic devices during lab, leaving for extended periods of time, or having visitors not enrolled in your lab section. Music, videos, headphones, and other unnecessary noises are to be avoided while lab courses are in progress.
Monique Wilhelm
Laboratory Manager
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Michigan – Flint
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**med.cornell.edu]On Behalf Of Koster, Sandra
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2016 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Cell phone in lab policy
I allow cell phones in lab except during quizzes and exams but we provide ordinary zip-lock sandwich bags to put the phones in so that they are protected and don't carry contamination out of the lab. Sort of like gloves for the cell phones. The touch screens work just fine through the bags.
Sandra Koster
Senior Lecturer
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Melissa Charlton-Smith <la> wrote:
Our policy is that cell phones are to be off or not present during lab. The instructor and TA must have a cell phone because our labs do not have land lines so the ability to call 911 is available by their cell phones.
On Feb 19, 2016 4:52 PM, "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org> wrote:
As far as I can see in the archives, this hasn't been discussed since 2006; does anyone have Cell Phone in Lab Policies from the last few years that they would like to point to?
Thanks for any help with this.
- Ralph
Piccone, Maria (CDPH-CID-DCDC) <Maria.Piccone**At_Symbol_Here**cdph.ca.gov> wrote:
Dear Ralph Stuart,
I'm looking for publications or references to use for a "no cell phone in the lab" policy.
If you have any resources that sounds useful, I'd appreciate it if you could forward to me.
Thank you very much,
Maria Elisa Piccone
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