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From: Ralph Stuart <rstuartcih**At_Symbol_Here**me.com>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] U.S. Chemical Safety Board Job Opportunity Now Posted on USA Jobs
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 12:01:31 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 54796012-974E-4638-B8AA-EE11F5245DF0**At_Symbol_Here**me.com
U.S. Chemical Safety Board Job Opportunity Now Posted on USA Jobs
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) is currently seeking applicants for the position of Board Affairs Specialist. Please visit the following links to USA Jobs for more information:
Merit Promotion: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.idevmail.net_link.aspx-3Fl-3D4-26d-3D86-26mid-3D414620-26m-3D1677&d=BQIFAg&c=lb62iw4YL4RFalcE2hQUQealT9-RXrryqt9KZX2qu2s&r=meWM1Buqv4IQ27AlK1OJRjcQl09S1Zta6YXKalY_Io0&m=ypOkXqyXlCe3NxSkgyfSpCjQ1BcvXUrL4fEmIARFaU8&s=S57eHuEF9RfqalBrDba1cJzcoZ3qos6jA3Ppg4g8PD0&e=
Competitive: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.idevmail.net_link.aspx-3Fl-3D5-26d-3D86-26mid-3D414620-26m-3D1677&d=BQIFAg&c=lb62iw4YL4RFalcE2hQUQealT9-RXrryqt9KZX2qu2s&r=meWM1Buqv4IQ27AlK1OJRjcQl09S1Zta6YXKalY_Io0&m=ypOkXqyXlCe3NxSkgyfSpCjQ1BcvXUrL4fEmIARFaU8&s=DQ-sVtVhW4RW5KCU2IHS1bOjFKQppXlZPR_SppEnTeQ&e=
If you have questions about careers at the CSB, please email careers**At_Symbol_Here**csb.gov
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board is an independent safety investigation agency. The mission of the CSB is to enhance the health and safety of workers and the public, and to protect the environment by uncovering the underlying causes of accidental chemical releases and using these findings and supporting research to promote preventive actions by both the private and public sectors. For more information about the CSB, please visit our website at www.csb.gov.
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