Hi and Hello: I write to you today to give you a quick summary of what we
accomplished at our strategic planning retreat, July 10-12, in Denver. A
shout-out to our facilitators, Kathleen Schultz and Larry Krannich, who helped
us craft a terrific strategic plan. We re-wrote the Vision and Mission statements of the
Division. We created 4 goals for the Division, with 3 to 5 strategies
for accomplishing each goal. DivCHAS Vision Statement: Improving people's
lives through the power of best chemical health and safety
practices. DivCHAS Mission Statement: The ACS Division of
Chemical Health and Safety provides authoritative technical resources and
mentorship in chemical health and safety for all. Goal 1: Sponsor two education programs per
year on chemical health and safety topics; one on fundamentals, one on
advanced topics. Champions: Russ Phifer, Kimi Bush, Ellen
Sweet Goal 2: By 2020, CHAS will be the preferred
and accepted resource for authoritative chemical health and safety
information. Champions: Ralph Stuart, Harry Elston, Frankie
Wood-Black, Monique Wilhelm Goal 3: Be a visible advocate and champion for
the CHAS mission to ACS and the public. Champions: Neal
Langerman, Jim Crandall Goal 4: Increase diverse and active membership
and expand CHAS leadership opportunities. Champions: Joe
Pickel, Tim Black, Brandon Chance Once we get the project management structure in place, I'll
send another email with additional details and another call for
volunteers. At our Executive Committee meeting in Boston, I=E2=80™ll be making
a detailed presentation of the results of our retreat. Those attending the retreat (the Strategic Planning
Committee) were Tim Black, Kimi Bush, Brandon Chance, Jim Crandall, Debbie
Decker, Larry Doemeny, Harry Elston, Neal Langerman, John Palmer, Russ Phifer,
Joe Pickel, Sammye Sigmann, Ken Smith, Ralph Stuart, Ellen Sweet, Monique
Wilhelm, Frankie Wood-Black. If any of these goals resonate with you and you=E2=80™d like to
work toward accomplishing the goal, please let me know and I'll put you in
touch with the appropriate champion. Best, Debbie Debbie M. Decker, CCHO, ACS
Fellow Chair, Division of Chemical
Health and Safety University of California,
Davis (530)754-7964 (530)304-6728 dmdecker**At_Symbol_Here**ucdavis.edu Birkett's
hypothesis: "Any chemical reaction that
proceeds smoothly under normal conditions, can
proceed violently in the presence of an idiot."
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