We are putting together safety guidelines for nanomaterial work in the laboratories on our campus. We would also like to come up with standardized training for the custodial workers in those areas. When I worked in Chemistry, we only had one lab working with nanomaterials, so I instructed the custodians to only empty the trash and do not dry sweep or vacuum the floor in that one lab. Now that I am in a campus wide position, there are several areas where nanomaterials are being used. How are other campuses handling training their custodians that work in these areas?
Is it appropriate to have custodians not "dry" sweep or vacuum in those labs?
Do you allow a wet mop in those labs?
Any other recommendations or training that custodians should receive?
Background: our custodians are instructed not to wipe counter tops, lab benches, hoods etc. in most labs. That part of housekeeping is left up to the technical staff, as they know what is being used and the associated hazards. Our custodial staff do sweep or vacuum floors a couple times a month, and empty trash daily in the labs.
Thank you in advance.
Vivian Longacre | Safety Training Specialist
Environmental Health & Safety | Cal Poly State University
San Luis Obispo, CA | 805.756.6628