The NFPA or HMIS labels, or something from another "competent authority" are for workplace containers you transfer chemicals to. But you're right, you don't need that if you're using the original
distributor's labeling.
In my opinion the NFPA and HMIS labels are basically a courtesy for fire fighters.
One problem with just using those pictogram placards is you still have to be careful about the corrosives, because it doesn't distinguish between acids and bases - or even that DOT quarter-inch
steel corrosive definition that has nothing to do with pH. So if somebody's not careful and sorts chemicals solely based on the pictograms, they just might put all the acids and bases in the same cabinet. So you have to make sure everybody in the lab understands
that, and exactly what those chemicals are that they're dealing with.
Eric Clark, MS, CHMM, CCHO
Safety Officer, Public Health Scientist III
Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory
Dear DCHAS members,
It seems that from the attached OSHA HazComm info,
The NFPA labeling might no longer be required. From a Hazardous Materials Technician level (completing this in Oct.) I would use that placard as fist line if identification. Any ideas as to why it might not be required?
Thank you in advance.
George D. McCallion
124 Magnolia Court
Collegeville, PA 19426