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From: Monona Rossol <actsnyc**At_Symbol_Here**cs.com>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Cadaver labs and formaldehyde
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:22:19 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 8D18EC1C8DF2121-202C-2C2A9**At_Symbol_Here**webmail-va042.sysops.aol.com
In-Reply-To <4F21A5F3A002444D8B4F5E4B767431E53767AA0E**At_Symbol_Here**EXMBX2010-7.campus.MCGILL.CA>
Wayne, I almost agree with you. Except for 2 lines.
1. The first is this line:
In other words there are no hazardous ingredients, at least not above the thresholds specified in the Act i.e. 1% if the ingredient is a carcinogen and 0.1% if it has other toxic effects.
It is true only if the reader understands that the use of the term "hazardous ingredients" is not absolute, but limited to those hand full of chemicals that actually have been tested for chronic effects and then the data argued over for 10 or 20 years in order to get them listed in one of the limited categories of "hazardous."
If we just look at carcinogens, IARC has evaluated and listed around 1000 chemicals in one of their categories. So "Not listed by IARC, NTP or OSHA" really means "no data available."
And this 1000 IARC chemicals is a drop in the bucket compared to the 84,000 under TSCA of which only around 200 chemicals have been tested for toxicity and most of those were tested for environmental toxicity rather than carcinogenicity. And then there are 143,000 chemicals already registered for use in consumer products in the EU under REACH. Then there are the 26,000,000 chemicals available for catalog purchase in the world right at this moment. And since the CAS has now registered over 89,000,000 and counting, I think we might have a problem knowing if an unregulated chemical is a carcinogen or not.
So my worry with the wording of your answer is that those who don't understand the lack of testing issue will assume that the stuff must be safe since there are no hazardous ingredients above the limits stated.
And are you aware that the 1% carcinogen rule isn't included in the minimum data requirements on the new SDS?
2. Now I'm ready to ask about the last sentence you wrote advising people to do a risk assessment:
Regarding Infutrace: how do you do a risk assessment for use of an unknown, untested chemical?
Monona Rossol, M.S., M.F.A., Industrial Hygienist
President: Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety, Inc.
Safety Officer: Local USA829, IATSE
181 Thompson St., #23
New York, NY 10012 212-777-0062
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Wood <wayne.wood**At_Symbol_Here**MCGILL.CA>
Sent: Mon, Aug 25, 2014 2:40 pm
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Cadaver labs and formaldehyde
We looked into the possibility of plasticizers, which leaves the cadaver=E2=80™s blood vessels nicely color-coded for teaching purposes, but the prep work is extremely dangerous and the prep room would have cost a fortune in controls. I believe Queen=E2=80™s University was and may be still using this technique.
We've been using Infutrace for over a decade, mostly in animal anatomy. We haven't had any problems to report but the users aren't crazy about it due to the fact it doubles up the preservation prep work. This is because it is a formalin replacement solution, not a substitute, so you still have to do a formalin-based perfusion, but then after the specimen is fixed you have to repeat the process to purge out all the formalin-based embalming solution. Despite our best efforts we haven't been able to find out the exact ingredients because they have all been in exempted quantities under our Hazardous Products Act. In other words there are no hazardous ingredients, at least not above the thresholds specified in the Act i.e. 1% if the ingredient is a carcinogen and 0.1% if it has other toxic effects.
From our discussions with the supplier we believe the Infutrace is a blend of buffer solution(s) mixed with some sort of polymer resin. While this is clearly not enough info to do one's own risk assessment we were comfortable in concluding that it has to be safer than the phenol-methanol-formaldehyde triumvirate used in classic embalming fluid.
Monona cites some really good examples of situations where products like PCB's and Halons of known toxicity were replaced by compounds of unknown (untested) toxicity, with disastrous results. Another classic one is the replacement of degreasers over the years, starting with carbon tetrachloride, then methylene chloride, then TCE, then PERC, but all of those substitutions had one thing in common =E2=80" they were merely replacing the offending compound with their evil cousins (similar compounds). Great lessons learned. I don't think we're making the same mistake with our choice of Infutrace but Monona is right (as always!) to say that you should always conduct your risk assessment before choosing a substitute.
Wayne, Thanks for the study. Clearly it shows that Infutrace reduces the amount of airborne formaldehyde and does it better than the other product. There's nothing there about the hazards of the replacements.
So dang, what is it? Have tests been done for skin absorption, glove permeation, and or for any significant chronic hazards? All I see on the MSDS is sparse acute data. And if we knew the structure of the ingredients, we might even be able to make some guesses about chronic toxicity.
I keep thinking of the endless progressions of substitutes that had significant hazards of their own. I go back a long way to the 70s when industry replaced banned PCBs with PBBs (polybrominated biphenyls) with a disastrous accidental food chain human exposure in Michigan. Next they stuck an oxygen in between the PBB phenyl groups and we have the polybrominated diphenyl ethers to contend with. And when the EU banned many of these, Chemtura created a replacement unregulated chemical called Fire Master 550 which is untested but whose structure is identical to diethylhexyl phthalate except for four bromines on the benzene ring. This leaves the business end of DEHP free to do its thing while making the molecule even more persistent in the environment.
I won't bore you with a litany of these stories, but I no longer accept any replacement chemical with unknown hazards.
If you want to talk plasticizers, I'm in leaving tomorrow for a university building planning project in Aberdeen, SD. I will be incommunicado until I'm back in my NYC office on Sept 1 (yes, I'll work Labor day unless the union asks this decrepit old lady to march with them).
Monona Rossol, M.S., M.F.A., Industrial Hygienist
President: Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety, Inc.
Safety Officer: Local USA829, IATSE
New York, NY 10012 212-777-0062
Good point Monona, it is always wise to assess the hazards before embarking on a quest to substitute one chemical product for another.
Infutrace (and Perfect Solution) have been around for a while and so far the assessments are promising:
These are formaldehyde "replacements", and not plasticizers. I know very little about the plasticizers but if any of you do, please share.
Well, I'm between trips so I haven't seen all of this thread, but I'm disappointed. If HOCH is replaced in anatomy labs, where is the information about the replacements?
I got the MSDS (2012) for Infutrace (Sasco Chemical) and it is proprietary, unregulated and untested for chronic toxicity. But that doesn't mean it doesn't have any chronic toxicity. I have a problem with exposing students to a large volume of an untested, unidentified chemical. And worse--it may be a plasticizer as suggested which means it's going right through those thin surgical gloves. And if it plasticizes a stiff, it can plasticize a live body as well.
The MSDS recommends Neoprene gloves, but there's no information on thickness, how long they should be used, etc. And usually students attacking a cadaver use thin surgical gloves.
I don't think we need to go into the many "safe" plasticizers that later have been found to be a big problem in even miniscule amounts. I don't understand how people can justify recommending a chemical product for a purpose like this without knowing what it is, what is known about it and, more importantly, what is NOT known about it.
A risk assessment is needed here.
Monona Rossol, M.S., M.F.A., Industrial Hygienist
President: Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety, Inc.
Safety Officer: Local USA829, IATSE
New York, NY 10012 212-777-0062
See replies to john Nail's questions below:
>A question for those of you who have cadaver labs -
>Does a 'formaldehyde-free' embalming method for lab cadavers exist?
Yes, but it is not a simple perfusion and involves the full immersion of the
cadaver in a tank.
Alternatively you can still embalm with formalin-based fluids but then you can
replace them with Infutrace or plasticizer so that the cadavers have little or
no HCHO in them when they are brought into the student lab.
>If a university is building a cadaver lab, does the lab need to have
specialized equipment that will remove airborne formaldehyde?
If you have cadavers preserved in formalin you need a local exhaust system (e.g.
downdraft dissection tables) to protect the students and instructors from
exposure. The area where you prep the cadavers should have a top quality local
exhaust system as the technicians who do this work are there for the long term
and are at greatest risk of exposure.
>Can the air in the lab be vented to outside the building without treatment?
It depends on the concentration coming out the stack and what your local
authorizes will allow but in my experience there will be so much air flowing
through your exhaust system that the resultant effluent concentration may very
well be below regulated levels.
>Is there a legal (compliance or civil) reason to be monitoring for
In my jurisdiction we have to monitor annually, due to the fact HCHO has made
its way onto the carcinogen list. As well, due diligence dictates that you need
to have good monitoring data if ever you are challenged with any lawsuits. True
story: in our case the availability of reliable exposure data saved us millions
of dollars.
>Many thanks for your replies,
>John Nail
>Professor of Chemistry
>Oklahoma City University
Wayne Wood, CIH | Associate Director, University Safety (EHS), University
Services - Directeur Adjoint, Direction de la pr=C3=A9vention (SSE), Services
universitaires | McGill University | 3610 rue McTavish Street, 4th floor |
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