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From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] New ERT Video Library
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:38:32 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: D8CE743D-32EC-4C63-B89F-FF544AD675D3**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org
Of possible interest, particularly for teaching purposes... I've appended 25 titles below as a sample of what's available
- Ralph
Previously you had requested a copy of a video title produced by the US Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Response Team. We thought you might be interested to know that know all 130 video titles produced by ERT over the years are now available to view on-line as streaming video.
Browse the ERT Video Library, to check out all the video titles.
Environmental Response Team
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Response Support Corps (RSC) 2012 Update
EPA's Response Support Corps is an agency wide cadre of volunteers who are called up during high level emergencies and Events of National Significance.(2012)
national event preparedness
EPA Response Support Corps (RSC)
EPA's Response Support Corps is an agency wide cadre of volunteers who are called up during high level emergencies and Events of National Significance. (2008)
national event preparedness
PHILIS (Portable High- through-put Integrated Laboratory)
EPA's mobile PHILIS laboratories are called into action during Events of National Significance to analyze samples using EPA validated methods to produce data of known QA / QC integrity. Results are available to decision makers within hours, leading to a timely and cost effective conclusion of the event.
Decontamination Technologies and Procedures: Household Bleach Solution
Training video for the use of Sodium Hypochlorite, or common household bleach, as an effective sporicidal disinfectant against Bacillus anthracis, or anthrax. Research has shown that when modified, a bleach solution is effective in achieving up to a six- to seven-log reduction in anthrax spores when applied to hard, non-porous surfaces that stay wetted with the solution for up to 60 minutes.
cleanup technology preparedness
Horseshoe Road Superfund Site, Communication + Trust + Teamwork = Effective Project Management"
In this training program, the Horseshoe Road Site in Sayreville, NJ, is used as an example for EPA RPMs, or Remedial Project Managers, to successfully manage a Superfund site. The project team, which included USEPA, The US Army Corps of Engineers, and their contractors successfully managed cost risk through open communication, trust, and the utilization of effective cost and scheduling tools. (2009)
educational preparedness
Operation Inland Response
A simulated collision between a chlorine tanker truck and diesel fuel delivery truck sets the stage for this full field emergency response exercise held in Irvine, CA (1992)
chemical spill oil spill preparedness
Environmental Response News Magazine #2
The second ERTV News Magazine visits a first responder training exercise in Irvine, CA, and investigates and underground oil plume in VA. Cleanup options at abandoned wood treatment sites are studied along with aquatic life next to a cleaned PCB site in MD. (1992)
chemical spill cleanup technology national event oil spill preparedness soil contamination groundwater wood treatment
Environmental Response News Magazine #5
The Divex Explosive Site near Columbia SC required the cooperation of over 30 agencies and contractors to safely detonate and remove explosives in the 5th installment of the ERTV News magazine. Site Shots makes stops in LA, WY, HI. In-situ Vitrification is presented as a viable remediation alternative in Technology Update.(1994)
chemical spill emergency response illegal dump national event soil contamination groundwater cleanup technology oil spill
USEPA Response Support Corps
Recruiting video for volunteers to stand up during Events of National Significance that EPA plays a role in.
national event preparedness
In-Situ Thermal Treatment of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater
Three methods for cleaning DNAPL-contaminated soils are discussed. Each method heats the soils, contaminants, and groundwater and then removes the vaporized or liquefied contaminants. In-Situ Thermal remediation is considered safer, faster, and less disruptive than traditional remediation methods.
cleanup technology soil contamination groundwater
USEPA Region V WMD Response Training Exercise
An exercise was conducted at the Cleveland International Airport to detect and remove simulated weapons of mass destruction from an aircraft. In addition, table-top scenarios were run for administrators and commanders to highlight communications and cooperation. (2003)
Operation Garden Isle II
A simulated collision between a passenger vehicle and a flatbed truck carrying a mixed load of hazardous materials set the stage for this emergency response exercise set on the island of Kauai, HI. (1994)
chemical spill preparedness
The Samoan Way
Highlights EPA's assistance to the American Samoan EPA in evaluating and disposing of badly corroded chlorine and ammonia gas cylinders. (1997)
chemical spill emergency response oil spill
Grawn, MI Tire Fire
A fire fuel by tires at a recycling facility in MI burned for 20 days. Conventional fire fighting techniques proved ineffective. The environmental clean-up and aftermath are also documented. (1998)
emergency response tire fire
Manasota Plating Superfund Site
Groundwater contaminated with cyanide is remediated using a unique on-site de-watering and water treatment operation at an abandoned electroplating facility in Sarasota, FL. (1995)
cleanup technology soil contamination groundwater
Divex Response and Removal Action
A chemical explosion in South Carolina that took the life of the facility's owner prompted local officials to enlist EPA and ATF to assist with the identification, transportation, an controlled detonation of over 40,000 lbs. of explosives.(1994)
cleanup technology emergency response national event
Wyoming Bioremediation
A team in northern Wyoming implemented Bioremediation, an onsite process that uses naturally occurring microorganisms to breakdown petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants in soil. The contamination was the result of oil well exploration.(1998)
cleanup technology soil contamination
EPA Region III Emergency Response Exercise Buckeye Pipeline
This video highlights a one-day emergency response drill simulating a pipeline break which simulated the release of approximately 300 barrels of gasoline into a creek. Air and stream water were constantly monitored. Includes follow-up critiques. (1995)
oil spill preparedness groundwater
E-Data Overview (Electronic Data Transfer and Validation System)
The e-Data, or Electronic Transfer and Validation System, is a PC-based system developed by the EPA to assist in the validation, management, and communication of hazardous waste sample information.
cleanup technology
Mercury Video News Release
Broadcast Public Service announcement targeting youth on the dangers of handling the element Mercury. (2 minute version followed by 1 minute version)
Navajo Vats- Navajo Language Version
Toxaphene was used regularly by the Navajo Nation as a pesticide to treat livestock, and then discarded into pits. Several pits were tested by the EPA and the Navajo Superfund Office as bioremediation sites. (1993)
cleanup technology illegal dump pesticide
The Southern Shipbuilding Site
During 30 years of barge repair, waste from hull containers was pumped into 8 pits near Slidell. LA.. Poorly constructed levees threatened spills into the adjacent bayou.(1994)
chemical spill illegal dump oil spill groundwater
Wood Treatment Site Cleanup
The contamination caused by abandoned wood-treatment sites is investigated. An overview of toxic chemicals typically present and the cleanup process is examined.
soil contamination groundwater chemical spill
Libby Sister Sites
Vermiculite ore containing asbestos from a mine in Libby, MT, was shipped to facilities where it was processed by unsuspecting workers. These locations are being investigated and cleaned up. (2012)
featured asbestos national event soil contamination
U.S. Finishing / Cone Mills
Asbestos and an underground chemical plume containing chromium warranted a Time Critical Removal Action by EPA at a former textile mill near Greenville, SC.
asbestos chemical spill cleanup technology groundwater
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