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From: Allen Niemi <anniemi**At_Symbol_Here**MTU.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Food in a former lab space
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:26:30 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: CAN0bzO6oUBRT2vUFFBRk1Ka5SiF2UAe+oA8CMdaRqDZn8w4KWQ**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com
In-Reply-To <7E7CECFB20453648A1D32729449F73882AD1B5EF**At_Symbol_Here**EX10-MC2-NODE01.amherst.edu>
I would vote against it if the suggestion was to do chemistry one semester and prepare food the next, year after year, even it you did a thorough cleaning in between. I might vote in favor if it is a renovated lab space that has been "permanently" reassigned after proper decontamination and testing. I think part of the problem would be student and even public reaction to the ick factor. On the other hand, if you are talking about a food chemistry class and nobody is eating the food, I see no problem at all.
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