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From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] infoIRSST News about research Volume 11-04 | June 2013
Date: May 29, 2013 8:16:51 PM EDT
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Message-ID: <777D8D93-CEE3-4C85-B42B-8D4811B647D0**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org>
Info IRSST - News about research is produced by the Communications and Knowledge Transfer Division of the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauv=E9 en sant=E9 et en s=E9curit=E9 du travail (IRSST)
News about research
Volume 11-04 | June 2013
Second Edition
Guide for Safe Use of Isocyanates
This guide is designed to facilitate occupational disease prevention through recognition, evaluation and control of the risks associated with exposure to these toxic substances. It can be downloaded free of charge on our website.
New releases
Nanoparticles - Occupationnal Exposure
Characterization and Control of Occupational Exposure to Nanoparticles and Ultrafine Particles
Many workers are exposed to a range of particles present on a nanometric scale. In occupational hygiene, it is common to differentiate manufactured nanoparticles (NP) from ultrafine particles (UFP) coming from natural, human or industrial sources.
The main objective of this research was to assess occupational UFP and NP exposures. The secondary objective was comprehensive testing of the assessment capabilities regarding occupational NP and UFP exposures in an industrial and laboratory context.
Nanoparticles - Respirator filters
Development of a Procedure to Measure the Effectiveness of N95 Respirator Filters against Nanoparticles
In order to reach a certified level of health protection from exposure to nanoparticless, filtering face-piece respirators are widely used by workers. The N95 face-piece respirator is one of the most commonly used masks.
Climate Change
Impacts of Climate Change on Occupational Health and Safety
Workers can be affected both directly and indirectly by climate change. The general objective of this study was to explore research topics relating to the negative impact of climate change on occupational health and safety. More specifically, the goals were to
Provide an overview of the links between climate change and its potentially adverse effects on occupationnal health and safety in Qu=E9bec;
Plan and implement a working and consultation procedure promoting national and international dialogue and reflection;
Identify the priority research topics pertinent to Qu=E9bec, in terms of knowledge needs.
Ralph Stuart
Division of Chemical Health and Safety
American Chemical Society
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