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From: Larry Maglin - NZ <lmaglin**At_Symbol_Here**NETZERO.NET>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Discounted asbestos testing for Habitat for Humanity?
Date: January 16, 2013 1:47:36 PM EST
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <EE4E9477-57DB-4707-BA3D-D140738C5652**At_Symbol_Here**ilpi.com>
Should put an ad/request out on CraigsList and see what pops... I
worked for WR Grace back in the early 80's when they were still
Vermiculite as attic insulation... (did a few test attic air
samples back in the day)... Each bag of vermiculite had about 20-30ppm of
tremolite (asbestos) in it
depending which mine it came from. EPA is correct, I would assume
it's there.
I'm surprised that your sponsor Habitat for Humanity does not have
a source for testing.... No corporate sponsors for your project that has
a good IH/Safety department? did you check with County or the
City health department for testing?
I am the (volunteer) Volunteer Coordinator for Gloucester County
(NJ) Habitat for Humanity and I'm looking for a firm to do some discounted
(or preferably gratis) asbestos testing on our behalf. We normally build
new homes, but every once in a while a generous benefactor will donate an
existing property to us.
We currently have one home from 1956 that we are gutting and renovating.
My biggest concern is some ceiling tile we'd prefer to take off rather
than cover up, and the next biggest is the vermiculite in the attic. On
the latter, the EPA says just to assume that it contains asbestos as 70-80% of
the vermiculite from that era does. Which is fine if you live there, don't
go up in the attic and let it lie - millions of homes have it. But we may
have to consider patching at least part of the ceiling and roof and that would
stir things up, so it would be helpful to know for sure. There are also
two other possible samples from that one home and a ceiling in a second home
that we might also want to get done.
Does anyone have suggestions for a firm that would be willing to cut us a
break on pricing for these tests? I contacted EMSL Analytical which has a
local office, but they had no interest in helping out our charity - not even a
tiny discount. They want $189 for the vermiculite and $105 each for to
test samples of ceiling/floor tiles or duct wrap. Our budgeted amount is, of
course, zero.
Thanks in advance,
Rob Toreki
Safety Emporium - Lab & Safety Supplies featuring brand names
Fax: (856) 553-6154, PO Box 1003, Blackwood, NJ
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