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From: kauletta**At_Symbol_Here**NOTES.CC.SUNYSB.EDU
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] lab coat question
Date: June 7, 2012 9:33:10 AM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <C0972A45C7DC7040BB5D18BB89552EA10424F932**At_Symbol_Here**019-SN2MPN1-061.019D.MGD.MSFT.NET>
We're looking into bringing in a vendor
for lab coat laundry & rental also. Its looking very promising. I also
found out that we have a laundry service on campus available for staff,
but geared mostly to student/residents. A student called me last week &
told me he was putting his lab coat into that service! I contacted the
service to let them know they may be receiving potentially contaminated
lab coats & asked if they were they ok with that - he'll get back to
me. If he says yes, I won't advertise the option, but if he says no, I
need to put out an email to stop the practice.
Does anyone have a chart/risk assessment/SOP
on what lab coat material (poly blend, 100% cotton, flame resistant FR
rated) needs to be worn when working with different chemicals/materials?
Kim Gates Auletta
Lab Safety Specialist
EH&S Z=6200
Stony Brook University
FAX: 631-632-9683
EH&S Web site: http://www.stonybrook.edu/ehs/lab/
Remember to wash your hands!
Frank Coppo <Frank.T.Coppo**At_Symbol_Here**GSK.COM>
06/07/2012 09:19 AM
lab coat question
Sent by:
DCHAS-L Discussion
List <dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Dear Colleagues -
A few comments, after some 22 years as a synthesis chemist prior to my
EHS tenure... If at all possible, use cotton lab coats for synthetic chemistry
work - polymer blends can melt onto the skin under certain incident circumstances,
for example heavy solvent exposure or fire (especially). Acids &
bases are but a small sample of what the typical synthesis chemist will
work with.
We employ PPE guidelines similar to what Mr. Arnold has described below;
discipline-specific lab coats (fastened closed, of course), closed toed
shoes, safety glasses w/ side shields - as a minimum to even enter lab
space. We also have a similar service that handles the supply &
maintenance of our lab coats. I believe even Fisher Scientific is
making inroads into the business of rental/recycling of lab coats, so you
certainly have many commercial options.
More than anything, I think it's important to foster a defined culture
of laboratory safety & PPE use early on in the educational process,
a position you are privileged to be in. Regardless of hazard, estimated
risk, or even fashion choice, my advice would be to ALWAYS have students
wear a basic level of laboratory PPE to include a lab coat, safety glasses
w/ side shields, closed-toed shoes, full-length pants and appropriate protective
gloves as per the task (& educate them on the concept of cross-contamination,
i.e. don't spread contamination via the OUTSIDE of the glove...). Concomitantly,
the staff should lead by example & do the same. PPE is a simple
precautionary measure that packs a lot of punch. If it's too hot,
discuss it with your facilities managers - in many facilities it's actually
cheaper to keep it colder (Industrial HVAC is often not like your house
A/C ;)
Most chemists (at all degree levels) come out of academia with at best
a weak concept of industrial laboratory safety, even though they are fairly
likely to end up employed by industry of one type or another. Providing
clear guidance on safety practices (starting with PPE) early on in the
educational process not only helps to mitigate the immediate risks of their
academic work, but better prepares them for their future as safe, productive
industrial scientists. As an added bonus, experience in the consideration
of risk & it's management is a plus in ANY discipline.
My two cents :) Hope this helps some.
Best regards,
Frank T. Coppo
EHS Specialist, Environment, Health, & Safety Services
GlaxoSmithKline | 1250 S. Collegeville Rd. | UP2410 | Collegeville,
PA | 19426 | USA
: 1-610-917-4548 (GSK shortcode 8282-4548) |: Environment, Health
& Safety
-----Original Message-----
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU]
On Behalf Of Herriott, Carole
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] lab coat question
I would argue the chemical resistance of scrubs, provided you use the poly
blends. They are much more resistant to acids than a pair of blue jeans.
-Carole Herriott
Weyerhaeuser R&D
----- Original Message -----
From: Brady Arnold [mailto:barnold**At_Symbol_Here**XENOTECHLLC.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 01:10 PM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] lab coat question
We're a business with 60 or 70 people that enter the labs, so I realize
things are slightly different for us. Each labworker has 2 labcoats and
the uniform company picks up laundry every week. There are other specialized
labcoats that we use too, so a worker may have 4 labcoats.
We use Aramark for our labcoats, but were impressed with Cintas too. Aramark
gave us a better bid. There are other companies that provide labcoats.
These same places also will sell labcoats. If you rent labcoats, they take
care of the cleaning. I think you could work out a cleaning plan with the
provider even if you purchased them.
They are, of course, not set up to clean majorly contaminated labcoats
with toxic, highly toxic, or radioactive materials, but those should be
disposed of with their respective waste.
If you don't mind getting a sales pitch, I would say to contact some local
uniform companies. The price will depend the quality of the labcoats, how
often they're picked up, and, of course, if you purchase or rent.
For the clothing, we require closed toe shoes, full length pants or a dress
long enough to cover the legs. We do provide scrubs (rented from Aramark),
for those who didn't think they would have to go into the lab. The scrubs
serve as a backup if people do get something on their clothes too. I'm
not thrilled about their chemical resistance, but they are better than
Brady P. Arnold
Safety Officer
XenoTech, LLC
phone (913) 227-7143
fax (913) 227-7199
-----Original Message-----
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU]
On Behalf Of David Roberts
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 2:26 PM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] lab coat question
Sorry to re-hash old issues. Can somebody please help me in thinking
about lab coats as a means of PPE? When places have a lab coat policy
where do you get them washed (what contractors do you hire for this, or
what has to be done to generate an in house service)? What kind of
costs are we talking about here?
We are a small, undergrad only University. We take safety seriously,
but frankly, we don't do a lot of extremely dangerous things. We have
2000 students total, of which we have about 35 or so chemistry majors a
year. Of that, about 10 do research, so the numbers are small, and
faculty guidance is present. At present, we obviously do not use
coats because we have not figured out how to launder them. In some
with infectious agents, we use disposable lab coats (and we properly
manage them). But I feel in the synthetic chemistry labs, disposable
coats aren't proper (plus, they are not made of the correct material for
organic synthesis). Just as a side, we have over 65 fume hoods in
small space. All of the students do everything in hoods - so really
hope is that there is no need to deal with spilling. We teach them
work behind the fume hood glass, which is very effective but not always
practical (so there are of course times when they have a potential to
have an accident and spill on themselves). We try to take that all
of the equation, and have done a good job thus far, but nothing is perfect.
On a similar note - in the summer months, how do you specify a "minimum"
bit of lab clothing to be worn by people. If you allow shorts - do
specify a minimum length, and with shirts, do you have any specifics on
minimum coverage?
All of this is related if you didn't guess. We have students that
want to cover up, and so we are just looking for ways to do this properly.
Thanks for any help
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