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From: Fermin Rodriguez <fermin1952**At_Symbol_Here**YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] New video from UCSD
Date: March 28, 2012 6:38:33 PM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <4ad5907b7c62354d851fd87ff90cdf14**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com>
Congratulations on you video.
I am pretty sure that the entire staff that developed
the video had fun; but more than fun they learned to communicate a
Site graphical demonstration of hazardous
conditions or incident is always more effective than a lecture.
The video shows a lot of things:
a. not only the person dealing with hazardous
substances is the only one exposed.
b. it is the responsibility of each individual in a
chemical handling zone to use the proper PPE; not only the person handling the
chemical can be hurt, but all those around are also exposed as a splash
could reach far.
c. each facility must identify what is a hot zone and
proper PPE (I.e. glasses, glasses with shields. goggles, face
shields, aprons, etc)
d. each person in a potentially dangerous
environment is responsible for enforcing PPE
e. to minimize, if not eliminate potential exposure
of bystanders, institutions and personnel should analyze their
work stations allocation (ie regular desk next to a chemical handling
I have been 35 years in the private industry and have
seen more that a couple of people loosing their vision. Key statement within the
video are:
a. " that lab is a different type of splash"
this means potential burns, blindness, intoxication, among other
b. " prevention" this means behavior
and my favorite the
statement by one of the starts of the video
c. " I always use my safety glasses even when I am not working " this is one of
the most significant safety cultural changes, and one of
the strongest messages that should be promoted at any work place that wants to
create a strong safety "ZERO" incident work place.
Congratulations to you and your staff for you video
Fermin Rodriguez
FR Consulting
(340) 643-2265
Dear Colleagues,
Here is a new safety video from UCSD called Splash Zone. It
was produced by Dr. Haim Weizman.
All the best,
Environment, Health
& Safety, CCHO
Chemical Safety
University of
California, San Diego
Office phone:
(858) 822-1579
Cell phone:
(858) 583-3257
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