Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:38:34 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: "Jeskie, Kimberly B." <jeskiekb**At_Symbol_Here**ORNL.GOV>
Subject: FW: DOE Safety and Health Videos Posted on the IH/OS SIG Website
These videos may have been produced at Department of Energy Sites, but you 
may find some that are generic enough to be used pretty much anywhere.


Kimberly Begley Jeskie, MPH-OSHM
Operations Manager
Physical Sciences Directorate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 574-4945

The Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Safety Special Interest Group (IH/OS SI
G) is pleased to announce the availability of additional safety and health 
videos through the IH/OS SIG website at:
video.htm.  These videos are part of the newly available safety and health 
video collection at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

"Safety Cinema" provides a series of videos and safety practices to help ev
eryone stay safe at home and at work, supporting the well-being of workers 
throughout each day. They were produced and developed by Industrial Hygiene
 and Safety with Environment, Safety, Health, and Quality at LANL , in supp
ort of the DOE - Voluntary Protection Program.
1.  Human Beings 1: Working Together - Protecting each other from mistakes
2.  Human Beings 2: Being Human - What happens before mistakes?
3.  Traffic Safety - Children's Poster Video
4.  Stairs and Handrails
5.  Take a Break and Take Care of Stress
6.  Before Lightning Strikes
7.  Lifting
8.  Push vs. Pull
9.  Winter Driving
10.  Slips, Trips and Falls - The Winter 3
11.  Give Yourself a Break!

"Human Beings 1&2" provides a two-part video series in support of Human Per
formance Improvement. The videos look at worker safety through our human qu
alities and relationships.
1.  Human Beings 1: Working Together - Protecting each other from mistakes
2.  Human Beings 2: Being Human - What happens before mistakes?

"Beryllium Worker Safety - A Training in Six Modules"  is a video designed 
for use with the beryllium worker classroom training. It may also be used a
s part of a general employee or awareness training. It was produced and dev
eloped by Industrial Hygiene and Safety at LANL, and sponsored by the Offic
e of Environment, Safety, and Health and the Office of Science at DOE. The 
six modules include:
1.  Why We're Here
2.  Past and Present
3.  Taking it In
4.  Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test
5.  How Much?
6.  Controls

"Integrated Safety: Our Work - The Pre-Job Brief and Post-Job Review" suppo
rts the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) process. This video was produced
 and developed by Industrial Hygiene and Safety with Environment, Safety, H
ealth, and Quality at LANL.

1. Integrated Safety: Our Work - The Pre-Job Brief and Post-Job Review

The IH/OS SIG Steering Committee wishes to express their appreciation to LA
NL for making these videos available online.  The Steering Committee also w
ould like to acknowledge Robin Nicholas for working closely with the IH/OS 
SIG Steering Committee to ensure awareness of these valuable resources with
in the DOE community.  These type activities support the SIG's mission of p
roviding the DOE community with tools for the development, enhancement, and
/or implementation of programs and training designed to improve worker safe
ty and health.

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