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Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 12:03:56 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Margaret Rakas <mrakas**At_Symbol_Here**SMITH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Recent Accidents in College Level and beyond Chemistry Lab
In-Reply-To: <CA600AC2.3E03%lhlatimer**At_Symbol_Here**mindspring.com>
Thanks to Ralph's ability to comb through and present a wide variety
of chemical accidents from around the globe, we frequently have access to
first reports about accidents in academic institutions. However, it
is relatively rare that these present the kind of information that would
help improve chemical safety at other institutions, because chemical names
are omitted or mangled, full details of the type of process occurring
aren't included (may not be known at the time of publication), etc.
And follow-up disclosures frequently are quite difficult to find:
they either don't happen, aren't published (who really wants to read about
yesterday's news, especially when it's the dry topic of a chemical
accident that isn't otherwise sensational), or otherwise don't surface. I am sure the incidents reported to C&E News are a small fraction
of what has gone wrong in labs, although I am very grateful to the writers
and editors for taking the time and space to make colleagues aware.
I have no desire to make any researcher, at any level or institution,
'look bad'. I also understand the reluctance of the institution's PR
and legal offices to release details that they feel compromise the
institution. But I would really hope the Councillors would discuss
the implementation of an anonymous reporting system that would include the
details, because for some incidents, that is the only way to understand
you may have a problem at your own instititution--it just (luckily) hasn't
happened yet. I think it is also important to realize these academic
chemical incidents don't just happen in chemical departments; biologists,
neuroscientists, and engineers use hazardous materials above and
beyond the standard corrosives and flammables, and those of us wh
o work in academic safety need to know about incidents and near-misses in
those areas as well, so we can warn our researchers.
My personal opinion only, not legal or business advice, and may not
represent the opinion of my employer or any group to which I belong..
>>> Lee Latimer <lhlatimer**At_Symbol_Here**MINDSPRING.COM> 8/4/2011
11:37 AM >>>
It is worth noting that this topic
is the subject of the special discussion period at Council in Denver.
The discussion is open for any to attend though only Councilors can
Since many academics are Councilors,
there should be some good contributions, though I expect the discussion to
highlight the large difference in approaches by academic and industrial
scientists attention/concern/training on safety and an instinctive safety
culture before even crossing the lab threshold.
8/4/11 6:08 AM, "Mary Ellen A Scott" <mas35**At_Symbol_Here**C
ASE.EDU> wrote:
For now, thank you Jay, Ralph, Lindsay and Jeff
for all the incidents. I will do my best to compile the Chem lab
specific accidents for the group and our presentation.
On Thu, Aug
4, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Larson, Jay <
Jay.Larson**At_Symbol_Here**science.doe.gov> wrote:
Here's a list of fatalities
Jay Larson, CIH
Safety and Occupational Health Manager
ment of Energy
Office of Science
SC-31/GTN Building
Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585-1290
W: 301-903-9869
From: DCHAS-L Discussion
List [mailto:DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**list.uvm.edu
A>] On Behalf Of Lindsey Kayman
Sent: Wednesday, August
03, 2011 8:21 PM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIS
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Recent Accidents in College
Level and beyond Chemistry Lab
Mary Ellen,
Check out the
incidents on this page:
Lindsey Kayman, CIH, LEED AP (O+M)
On Wed, Aug 3,
2011 at 7:23 PM, Mary Ellen A Scott <mas35**At_Symbol_Here**ca
se.edu> wrote:
Our department chair would like a
survey of the most recent (past 5 yrs) accidents in a college
chemistry laboratory as part of a presentation to the incoming
chemistry graduate students. Our students will both assist in
teaching the undergraduate labs and begin their research.
I am aware of the tragic event regarding Sheri Sangi but not other
accidents specific to a Chemistry lab. If you would are
willing to share any that you know, I will compile the information and
make it available to the DCHAS-L.
Thank you,
Mary Ellen
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