Regina, It my experience, the key issues are establishing a "safety zone" around the NMR unit from which ferromagnetic tools and wearers of pacemakers & medical implants vulnernable to elevated static magnetic fields are to be excluded. Per the ACGIH TLVs for static magnetic fields, the wearers of certain medical devices should not be exposed to static magnetic fields exceeding 0.5 mT or 5 gauss. Warning signage and other means can be used to delineate a so-called 5 gauss "safety zone" line inside of which medical device wearers and unsecured ferromagnetic items should not be permitted. Typically, the size of the significant static magnetic fields is much smaller around NMR units than that found in medical environments around MRIs, but some of the same safety principles apply. The ACR Guidance Document for Safe MR Practices: 2007 found at the following link is informative with the understanding that not all of the safe practices described (and imposed) for MR(I) units are directly applicable to NMR units (at least in my experience). I am aware of a couple of NMR and/or superconducting magnet-related incidents that occurred in a research facility at which I worked some years ago. Let me know if you want to hear more about them -- fortunately, no one was injured -- but some physical damage was done in at least one case -- and I suspect at least one person's pride was a bit bruised. Best regards, Stephen Stephen Hemperly, MS, CIH, CSP, CLSO Office: (408) 717-7704; Fax: (408) 717-9058 Mobile: (925) 818-8052 Advisory Industrial Hygienist Environmental Health and Safety Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc. 3403 Yerba Buena Road - Office 2536-01 San Jose, CA 95135-1500 steve.hemperly**At_Symbol_Here** None of us is as strong as all of us. AIHA and ASHRAE member Industrial hygienists are scientists and engineers committed to protecting the health and safety of people in the workplace and the community. Regina FrascaTo Sent by: DCHAS-L DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU Discussion List cc Subject [DCHAS-L] Lessons learned with NMR units. 07/28/2011 01:40 PM Please respond to DCHAS-L Discussion List Colleagues, Any good lessons learned from the installation or operation of an NMR from a safety standpoint. We are just about to start installing a new unit and besides the manufacture specs and my CIHÕs recommendations, I wanted to reach out there and see if anyone has any good tidbits. Regina M. Frasca, NRCC-CHO Cal State University San Marcos Director of Risk Management & Safety Work: 760-750-4502 Fax: 760-750-3208 rfrasca**At_Symbol_Here** The FAS Division Transforms the WorkplaceÉ Service, Laughter, Inviting, Excitement, Communication, Innovation, Finest RM&S Mission: Contributing to a total learning environment by providing support, guidance, and leadership, promoting safety and preserving the human and physical resources of the campus community.
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