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Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 09:23:25 -0500
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: ILPI <info**At_Symbol_Here**ILPI.COM>
Subject: Re: 3 RE: [DCHAS-L] flammable cabinet question
In-Reply-To: <259DD82B-6300-48D0-97AE-620842F1DD8A**At_Symbol_Here**uvm.edu>
Brad, that's quite the
response. Let me address your points in
1. How old are the cabinets? Were
the self-closers retrofitted on a manual door model or did you purchase
it as a self-closing unit? Did it come with those features not
working and did you complain to the manufacturer under the warranty?
Regardless, these problems sound easily fixable with about 20
minutes of work. I have to ask why these problems haven't been
fixed as you have already identified the doors in their current state as
a safety hazard.
2. These are self-closing
retrofit kits that are for manual door models. You get the
pistons and additional parts. There will obviously be some markup
there, but it is nowhere near preposterous as you think. I am
still working on getting the installation literature so everyone can see
how it goes together. Here is a picture of one of the
More importantly, it should please you to know that individual fusible
links are available separately for $2.60 each. So if someone wants
to get some chain and hooks from Ace Hardware (disclaimer: we are NOT
Ace Hardware distributors, wink) and insert a fusible link, you can do
3. That self-conflict is laid bare every
time I write about a product that I have an economic interest in (and
therefore, experience with). But I would make that same
recommendation regardless - the discussion on the list pointed out a
problem with some self-closing models, and this is a way to fix that
problem. Getting rid of self-closing requirements is, of course,
another solution, but does not address the issue of fire
As to the "knee jerk", you appear
to be overlooking the very, very, very REAL issues of bonding and
grounding, particularly for drum cabinets or those using metal
containers. People will often dispense liquids with the cabinet
doors open and, in many workplaces. they are completely unaware of the
static issues presented by a stream of flowing liquid. If failure
to bond/ground results in a fire in front of an open cabinet, the
fusible link of an automatic door can make the difference between a fire
and a catastrophic fire.
For the record, I have
seen manual door cabinets left open at a number of universities in my
career. I will freely admit that the 4 gallon one in my home
garage is manual, but then again I am the only user of it, and I don't
dispense with the door open.
Safety Emporium - Lab & Safety Supplies featuring brand
From: "Norwood,
Brad" <
Date: November 10, 2010 2:01:19 PM EST
Subject: RE:
[DCHAS-L] flammable cabinet question
With all due respect, that=92s
bullcrap, and on several fronts.
1) We have a flammables
cabinet with self-closing doors manufactured by Eagle. Neither
door can be held open by the manufacturer-provided fusible link, because
on the left door, the hook slips off of the door. On the right,
the chain doesn=92t even reach.
2) To charge $185 dollars
for two 6=94 chains with a hook from Ace Hardware and a fusible link
inserted in it is ludicrous.
3) As a testing lab highly
oriented to the regulatory environment, I recognize the severe conflict
of interest inherent in your claim that every state that requires
self-closing flammable cabinet doors should also require the hooks and
fusible links to hold them open.
Once again, the main lesson
here is that increased regulation is not always the best response to
complex issues. In this case, I suspect a knee-jerk response to a
fire that got worse because a flammable cabinet door was left open.
Someone said =93We ought to make it so that the door can=92t be
left open.=94 That got implemented. Then the Law of
Unintended Consequences kicked in, and someone started recognizing a
significant increase in spills of flammable solvents because
self-closing doors started whacking people in the midst or removing or
restoring bottles to the cabinet. That necessitated yet another
=91one size fits all=92 response of a fusible link chain to hold the
door open (no guarantee that there wasn=92t a iteration in the middle
there that omitted the fusible link=85)
Does it sound like I=92m
cynical? Yes. I simply do not like it when The Government
dictates minutiae (like dictating that incandescent lights will no
longer be produced and instead everyone must use CFLs. Idiotic,
and it won=92t save the planet, it will pollute it even worse.
Stupid regulation).
Dr. Bradley K.
Laboratory Director
Arista Laboratories
1941 Reymet
Richmond, VA 23237
(804) 271-5572 ext. 307
641-4641 (cell)
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