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Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 22:09:24 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: ILPI <info**At_Symbol_Here**ILPI.COM>
Subject: Re: Emergency Action Plan for science labs
In-Reply-To: <BBFA6832756A874D89D201416246904006E7B7BA**At_Symbol_Here**exchng2k.dom.edu>
Ooooh, ouch, I don't
recommend letting someone from maintenance turn off science experiments
no matter how good the documentation is. Just one example -
shutting down a vacuum line system could result in a pressure explosion
or liquid oxygen condensation. Someone's experiment that has been
running for weeks could be ruined by a well-intentioned mis-step.
Expect severe pushback from your faculty and research staff on
that. I know I would firmly oppose it as a faculty member and
would expect my chair to fight it, too.
said, an emergency action plan that ensures the responsible emergency
party for each lab/facility is notified would be a good one. Most
every university already has the emergency contact information for each
lab posted by the doorways. And many campuses already have
email/phone/messaging broadcast systems for emergencies that can be
targeted at subsets of the campus population. Having someone
assigned to ensuring that each lab's responsible party is contacted is a
much better plan than trying to write up procedures for equipment or
experiments that are way beyond the skill set of maintenance personnel
and likely to be obsolete when needed.
On Jul 8, 2010, at 8:34 PM, Schmidt-Nebril,
Kathleen wrote:
My university recently was hit with a four day power
outage due to severe storms. Our science building is recently new
and has a back up generator however none of the main lab instruments or
equipment were backed up to it. Hoods, lights and ventilation were.
In the end we are looking at a huge insurance claim and are now
trying to prepare an action plan for each of our labs in the event
we go through something like this again. I am the CHO for the
department and was asked to put this together. Does anyone know
what OSHA standard, if any, I should be looking at for this? They
want to incorporate a "what to do" list for example if none of the
scientists were around someone from maintenance could follow it to turn
off sensitive equipment in our absence. My thought on that is
would we need to train and document anyone who might have to
respond and use our action list?