The National Library of Medicine's TOXNET service has a rather
comprehensive database of peer-reviewed literature on teratogens and mutag
ens (www.nlm.nih.gov) including non-US research and sources.
Paul So
nnenfeld, CPEA
Hello All,
I=92m wondering if anyone has dealt with training scientists (chemists and biologists) on potential reproductive hazards in the laboratory.
I work for a biotech company, and currently we have 7 pregnant employees (110 employee s total). All of these employees are in the medicinal chemistry group.  ; It has been my experience that the pregnant employees are very cautious and knowle dgeable about the hazards they are working with, however not all of their co-work ers are.
My company would like me to present a training or seminar of some sort that educates and inf orms all laboratory workers of the reproductive hazards they work with. p>
Has anyone else done this before? Any resources or suggestions?
Thank you.
Danielle M. Boren
Laboratory Safety Manager
Senomyx, Inc.
4767 Nexus Center Dr. San Diego, Ca 92121
858-646-8357 office
858-404-0752 fax
858-401-2374 mobile
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