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Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 14:24:31 -0400
Reply-To: Heinz Trebitz <iht63**At_Symbol_Here**WAVECOMM.COM>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Heinz Trebitz <iht63**At_Symbol_Here**WAVECOMM.COM>
Subject: Andrew Gross' question aboutsStorage of lab Ccemicals
To: DCHAS list editor:
I agree with Russ Pfifer's suggestion to use plastic trays for
containment. I'd keep the chemicals at the work bench where they
can be
reached easily. Standard surfaces for work benches are usually resistant
acids or bases. Leaks can be easily detected and limiting the container
size to
<1 liter limits the damage from a major
Keeping chemicals used on a daily basis in a cabinet increases
spill potential during carrying a bottle between the cabinet
and the
work area. Also, leaks in a closed cabinet may go undetected
quite a while.
Finally, accidents happen and students have to learn how to handle
corrosive chemicals in a safe manner. As you cannot avoid hands-on
try to keep the accidental damage to a minimum.
Teaching is the key. From my student times I remember the rule
the mixing of concentrated sulfuric acid with water:
In German: "Erst das Wasser, dann die Saeure, sonst geschieht das
Translated: Avoid the terrible from happening: first the water then
Better still: avoid mixing altogether.
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