Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 22:01:19 -0700
Reply-To: Regina Frasca <rfrasca**At_Symbol_Here**CSUSM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Regina Frasca <rfrasca**At_Symbol_Here**CSUSM.EDU>
Subject: Environmental semionar
Comments: To: LABSAFETY-L**At_Symbol_Here**
Comments: cc: murphyj**At_Symbol_Here**


Please excuse any cross postings.

A great free opportunity is coming your way!!!!!!!

The University of San Francisco is presenting a seminar on California environmental regulations in 2003/2004.  This seminar is in collaboration with Beyond Compliance, LLC.  CCEHSA is sponsoring the admission to this event which makes it free to attendees.  It is on Tuesday 4/20th from 1-4:00 pm. Seating is limited but still available if you are interested in more information please contact me.

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